Friday 10 July 2015

Locate your contacts

As mobile life and technology affected our life style alter and taken place of different things which make an impact on relationships as well as games like Ludo,cards,Carem Borad and outdoor games that were the best entertaining and source of gathering and gossiping vanished from our life every one is  much closer to smart phone than any other person.

If we take a step in the past before 5-6 years when there was no excessive use of technology we enjoy each and every moment of life we prefer to go homes of friends and families or playing outdoor games instead of watching movie at home or using PC.There was a social sector everyone knows each other at that time but social media replaces all that,Now we have information of person’s Facebook id but do not know him fully even he lives besides our home.

No doubt,technology made life much easier.Use of technology in positive sense is always a good thing.If you haven’t met your friends for a long time or they are living in the same town whom you are settled and don’t know his/her location or wanting to make a surprise Who's around is your solution.

This a allows you to search locations of yours friends using your address book,having many features including maps,locator and navigator.Its so easy to locate your friends using technology feel the feeling of meeting old friends after a long time a blast of good memories from past and joy of surprising some one.

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