Wednesday 29 July 2015

Easy way to meet your old friends

When we were kids we use to play different games like “yasu panju” “Chitiri uri” lodo etc as time passes technology and mobile devices occupied their place with android mobile games and other social networking apps. There was time when we give preference to play Pakran pari and chupen chupai outside home with friends instead of watching TV alone a home, meeting new people and making new friends was always fun, hang out and chilling with old friends was great,at that time we knew where our friends was but now things are completely different everyone is in rush as It is said technology made our lives much easier but from my point of view,it made our life more busy even no one has time to meet friends and family.

It was great perspective and experience when old friends gathered telling sensational stories and sharing personal experiences from childhood to now it seems like nothing changed its two to three days old story that we were kids and now we are young.You have spent a long journey of life with them of course you missed them a lot when they are around you a flashback of golden moments spent to gather cycled around your eyes these moments was great!

Now things are a lot different every one involved in professional and personal life.If you are thinking its much difficult to find them now as it is a long period of time then you are wrong,thinking of finding  old diaries,cards,making phone calls or asking some one other than you are also wrong,you want to meet them there is an amazing way to get them using their location a app will help you out which specialized in locating friends locations.Hurry up,find them and meet them life is short  so don’t  waist any more time.

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