Thursday 27 August 2015

Feeling Shyness in Making Friends

Feeling shy in meeting new people will cripple social life,every one lacks confidence when meeting each other first time and intimidate of taking steps to talk first.Every one keeps a soft corner,let’s be ethical and polite while talking,good and simple talk melts the ice.However, what you look like does not matter.It’s strange to talk to a stranger but how would you befriend when you did not talk.

Probably the reason behind failing in making a friend is shyness,if you see a person with lots of friends and you think he is lucky,but his confidence makes it easy for him to talk to everyone he wants and leave an impact of masculinity.Women also love affirmation of guy who is confident.

When you meet someone first time its essential you will lack confidence due to the fear of rejection,no one wants to be rejected,that thing automatically generates shyness which will affect your way of talking and expressing yourself.When you talk a girl you like,you go near to her and talk to her first time when she will look at you,you will start hitching and your hearts beats like a woofer suddenly darkness will surround,your hands starts trembling and  sweat starts pouring from forehead.

To boost up confidence believe in yourself,your talk and personality no one is perfect until he fails.So,be natural don’t try to over impress  anyone be like that you are already friends,but in limits.Don’t be over excited or rude be mature and sensible.To enhance that confident feel makes interaction with friends and family chitchat with the to blow up your mind.This technique will be help full in your first meeting.

After first meeting you will feel like getting free from the chains of shyness,you will start meeting new people every from everywhere.its you own mind that stops you from making multiple thoughts and reduces confidence.

Making friends and reuniting old friends bring joy and enthusiasm in life,for reconnecting to your friends and finding their locations you can use who’s around app you will start enjoying life when you are confident.

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